Hi my name is Mark & I am one of the co-owners of Eclectic. A big hello to our existing customers and a big hello to new ones!
I start with a great quote from a great comic man, Mr Stan Lee “With great powers comes great responsibility” For those of you who don’t know Stan Lee, he was the co-creator of Marvel’s Spider-Man, Hulk, The Fantastic 4 to name but a few.
As a young lad I was a big fan of reading comics in particular Spider-Man. It was one comic which had a superhero that lived in a real city, in this case New York. My reading wasn’t very good so, as a result of this, I made stories up in my head using pictures which is probably why now I have a great love of Comic Art. It was a great escape from the pressures of being a young person. RIP Stan Lee ❤️ You were my Superhero 🦸♂️
I have been very lucky to have met some of the best Comic writers & artists in the years I’ve been involved in the world of Comics including Len Wein, Dan Slott, Chad Hardin, Rob Williams, Kieron Gillen, Mike Collins, Rob Liefield, Nigel Parkinson, Ian Richardson, Jim Lee, Jason Cardy and many, many more. Over the next few blogs I will be showing some of the precious pieces I have collected after meeting some of these great people & talking a little bit more about their art.
Now back to the quotation “With great power comes great responsibility“ We all have the responsibility to look after ourselves and the power to look after everybody else.
I hope you have enjoyed this first blog & the ones that will follow!
Take care & keep safe,
Mark Gallagher
Co-Owner of Eclectic